The IR Trademark
International Protection for Your Trademark
If you want to protect your trademark globally, the IR Trademark (International Registration) offers the optimal solution. With a single application, you can apply for trademark protection in multiple countries simultaneously. Our law firm assists you in registering your IR Trademark and ensures that your trademark protection is legally secure on an international level. Thanks to our many years of experience in trademark law, we guide you through the entire process, from application to monitoring.
What is an IR Trademark?
An IR Trademark is an application filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to obtain protection for your trademark in various countries worldwide that you select. An IR Trademark consolidates applications in different countries administratively. WIPO examines some formal requirements of your application and then forwards your request to all the countries where you seek trademark protection for further examination. WIPO streamlines communication between you and these countries. Unlike the EU Trademark, the registrability is not ultimately examined by WIPO but by the individual national authorities. For the EU Trademark, only the EUIPO examines the registrability of your trademark.
When is an IR Trademark Important?
Global competition requires the protection of your trademark in all countries where your company is active or plans to be active in the near future. If regions beyond the European Union are relevant, an IR Trademark allows you to claim protection specifically in those countries. Additional countries can be added at any time. You can also withdraw from individual countries whenever markets decline and become less relevant.
Steps to Registering an IR Trademark
- Trademark Research: We check whether your trademark or a similar sign is already registered in the desired countries to avoid conflicts.
- Establish Base Trademark: The IR Trademark requires a so-called base trademark, which can be a national trademark or an EU Trademark. We assist you in making the right choice.
- Application with WIPO: We handle the submission of your IR Trademark application to WIPO and inform you about any peculiarities when applying to different countries. We monitor all deadlines and advise you on all official communications.
- Trademark Monitoring: After registration, we monitor your trademark to detect potential conflicts in the chosen countries early on. WIPO does not inform IR Trademark holders about similar younger trademark applications. Without professional trademark monitoring, it is a matter of chance whether you become aware of newer trademark applications that may affect you. [Link to: Trademark Monitoring]
Which Countries Does the IR Trademark Cover?
With an IR Trademark, you can apply for trademark protection in currently 131 countries, including the EU, the USA, China, and Japan. The application is made centrally through WIPO, and you can add additional countries at any time if needed. The IR Trademark offers maximum flexibility and efficiency in international trademark protection.
Case Studies: Successful Registration of an IR Trademark
- Technology Company: A German startup successfully protected its trademark in the USA and China through an IR Trademark, facilitating international market entry.
- Fashion Company: A fashion label secured international protection in the EU, the USA, and Japan, allowing for seamless global expansion.
- Consumer Goods Manufacturer: By registering an IR Trademark, a medium-sized company was able to protect its product trademark across multiple continents.
Costs of Registering an IR Trademark
The costs of an IR Trademark depend mainly on the goods and services to be protected and the number of countries where you wish to secure your trademark. Some countries charge additional fees for colored logos. Besides WIPO’s basic fees, national fees apply for each selected country. Our law firm will provide you with a transparent and customized cost proposal tailored to your needs.
Schedule a Consultation Appointment
Our experienced attorneys specialize in international trademark law and will assist you in registering your IR Trademark. Schedule an appointment now to protect your trademark globally and legally securely.
A national trademark protects your trademark in a single country, such as Germany. An IR Trademark consolidates trademarks in various countries, and this bundle can be expanded to include additional countries at any time.
The formal examination by WIPO usually takes only a few months. It often takes 12 months or more until the final protection of your trademark is confirmed in all desired countries. The duration of the registration process varies significantly between countries. While examination in the EU typically takes only a few weeks, registration in Norway or Switzerland regularly takes at least 12 months.
Yes, you can subsequently expand the scope of your IR Trademark to include individual countries.
The costs consist of WIPO’s basic fees and the national fees of the chosen countries. Additional costs for legal consultation apply. Contact us for an individual offer.
An IR Trademark cannot be the first trademark you register. It requires a so-called base trademark, which you must register first.
Our Services
- Legal advice regarding warnings, both for the sender and the recipient
- Enforcement of your trademark in contentious proceedings
- Defense of your trademark rights
- Conducting trademark infringement proceedings
- Representation before all ordinary courts
- Individual advice on your trademark strategy
- Examination of the registrability of your desired trademark
- Drafting a list of goods and services
- Preparation and registration of your trademark
- Trademark monitoring
- Care and management of your trademark
- Deadline monitoring