Susanne Graeser, LL.M.
Certified IP Lawyer
Admitted to the Munich Bar Association
- GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property e. V.)
- VDU (Association of German Women Entrepreneurs)
- Women in IP
- Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
High-level performance requires skill and experience, vision and courage, knowledge of the goal and the partner. This holds just as true for equestrian sports as it does for IP consulting.
Getting to know your business and supporting your business goals is the most rewarding challenge for me. My drive is your trust.
It is important to work consistently towards goals and to tackle obstacles with courage and foresight. This is what I enjoy about riding; I also apply this rigour and vision to your consultancy services.
My experience and skills are based on many years of working in international companies and specialised IP law firms.
The focus of my work is to provide qualified, understandable, uncomplicated and cost-conscious consultancy. I represent passionate, effective and to-the-point counselling.
High-level performance requires skill and experience, vision and courage, knowledge of the goal and the partner. This holds just as true for equestrian sports as it does for IP consulting.
Getting to know your business and supporting your business goals is the most rewarding challenge for me. My drive is your trust.
It is important to work consistently towards goals and to tackle obstacles with courage and foresight. This is what I enjoy about riding; I also apply this rigour and vision to your consultancy services.
My experience and skills are based on many years of working in international companies and specialised IP law firms.
The focus of my work is to provide qualified, understandable, uncomplicated and cost-conscious consultancy. I represent passionate, effective and to-the-point counselling.
Susanne Graeser
Certified IP Lawyer
Admitted to the Munich Bar Association
- GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property e. V.)
- DAV (German Lawyers Association)
- VDU (Association of German Women Entrepreneurs)
- Women in IP
- Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
since 2022
since 2018
12/2015 – 04/2019
Eversheds Sutherland (Germany) LLP
Lawyer Counsel
02/2005 – 12/2015
Patent attorneys and Attorneys at Law Weickmann & Weickmann
until 01/2014
Patent attorneys and Attorneys at Law Hansmann & Vogeser
04/2002 – 05/2004
state-funded trainee lawyer in Munich (training stations at German Patent and Trademark Office; Lycos Europe GmbH)
08/2006 – 01/2007
professional development to become a certified IP lawyer
03/2004 – 02/2006
postgraduate studies European and International Commercial Law in Munich
04/2002 – 05/2003
Studium Mediation, Fernuniversität Hagen
04/2000 – 01/2002
complementary studies European Law in Würzburg
11/1997 – 01/2002
Law studies in Würzburg with training stations at Grünecker Kinkeldey Stockmaier & Schwanhäusser; Gleiss, Lutz, Hootz, Hirsch PartmbB Rechtsanwälte; Danone AG
09/1995 – 07/1997
bank apprenticeship at Hypo-Bank AG